How to play Sic Bo online?

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Sic Bo is played using three dice. The dice are shaken in a cage-like container for a minute until they stop. In online casinos, the random number generator controls the roll of the Sic Bo dice. When you look at the layout for the first time. Sometimes it may seem like a tricky rule of play. So take a deep breath, relax and look again. You will soon learn that playing Sic Bo online is not difficult. Like a roulette table, each area of ​​the Sic Bo table has a specific bet type.

For playing Sic Bo online for real money.

You have to bet by selecting the chip size. And place your chips in the right area of ​​the table. As in roulette You can bet more than one point in the same round. The simplest Sic Bo bets are Low and High. Besides Low and High, there are many possible Sic Bo bets you can make. You can bet on any triple or triple or double of a specific by UFABET 

You can bet on the sum of three dice or a combination of two dice. Or even the number of a single dice. Each bet has its own area on the table. Which tells you the payout rate if you win the bet. And don’t forget you can bet multiple times on the same dice roll.

After you make a bet you click the Roll the Dice button. Three virtual dice will roll around inside the virtual cage. and then lift the cover to display the results. Area of ​​the online Sic Bo table that matches the winning Sic Bo. There will be a light to show the winner. Most of the time, all you have to do is decide what kind of bet you want and start rolling the dice. 

Here are the bets you can choose.

– High, Dice Result 11 – 18
– Low, Dice Total 3 – 10
– Odd, Odd Total – Even, Even Total
– Unique Triple. The numbers on which all three dice appear on the same face.
– Dedicated Double The number on which any two dice face the same face
– the sum of the three dice. The sum of the three dice combined common triple All three dice appear on the same face. It does not define any number
– dice sum, the sum of any two dice, all three single numbers. Predict the number of all three dice
– specific double and single combinations. Any pair of dice or any single number can be chosen. in online betting You can choose one or any combination of these bets with no limits